Video Platform
Best game video quality on the market
Gain access to the world's largest video archive available in hockey
- Videos provided by federations, leagues and teams
- 20k+ game videos each season
- 400-500 new weekly video uploads
- Game videos dating since 2014/2015
- Upload or Link your choice of games to your account
- Have all your hockey content available in one system
- Use SportContract like iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive
- Available on Web & Mobile App
Video / Data Analytics
Structured and visual
See data come to life by watching video clips on any stat
- All-round data supported with video to put performance into context
- Watch players' shifts, shots, goals, assists, powerplay and more
- Analyze teams and players by events, games or seasons
- Every piece of data is clickable and available in video
- Create custom playlists you can share
- Compare Teams / Players / Game stats / Reports
- Learn about rosters, lineups, transfers and more
- Tagged Pro and Youth Leagues
- You don't see your game/player annotated? - Make a request with one click and our team will log the game.
Next-Gen Video Editor
Powerful and multi-functional
Next-generation video tagging editor tailored for video analysts and coaches
- Pre-game planning, in-game decision-making and post-game assessment come easy
- Use top-grade filters to select the on-ice interactions you need
- Create custom playlists, comment onto the clips and attach them to reports
- Utilize the Presentation Mode to visually boost your ideas
- In-depth opponent analysis and comparison tools to gain competitive advantage
- Share your playlists and video feedback directly with staff and players
Scouting Enterprise Solution
Spot-on evaluation and scouting reports
Cutting-edge video scouting solution
- A complete scouting department in one platform
- Elaborate and easy to use - evaluate targeted players with video scouting
- Apply your club's template style with our highly flexible scouting tools
- Integration of lineups, game information, stats and videos to your scouting report
- Share reports with your team or decision-makers
- Watch players' shifts, game events and stats
- Keep your scouting work organized with folders and lists
- Easily find completed reports by selecting the filter you need
- Use the report comparison functionality to visualize your player assessments
- Make scouting reports from your smartphone to stay on top of the game
- Efficient scheduling: improve your time / team management, planning and game coverage
Communication System
The hockey world at your fingertips
Stay in touch on any device
- SportContract brings hockey professionals together
- Exchange in-system messages with your team and staff
- Get in touch with any player, coach, manager, agent or scout
- Create chat groups and share important information with your team
- Attach files to your message, arrange calls or exchange feedback with your team
- Get message notifications on your smartphone, laptop or computer
- Keep your conversations private in our closed and secure environment
- Send direct messages to our customer support staff and solve your problems in minutes
Player Development
Teach with visual feedback
Empowering tools to shape higher-level teams
- We take a coach-centered approach toward player development
- Leverage diverse text and drawing tools to present solutions or points of improvement
- Analyze your players' performance in less time with the pre-tagged Arena Events
- Clip specific game moves and save them in a playlist
- Measure players' progress with custom reports: player development, fitness tests, medical tests, and more
- Instantly share your playlist with players or staff - accessible on mobile devices
- Develop technically proficient, strategy aware, physically athletic and mentally confident players
Web & Mobile Apps
We have you covered on any device Service
Service and functionalities with no limitations
- Streamline your workflow with access to all solutions in one platform
- Modern and user-friendly design for easy navigation
- Use the web app on your computer or laptop to use the full stack of features
- Stay up to date with our mobile app when outside of the office
- Game break-downs, video supported stats and playlists to watch on-the-go
- Enjoy scouting, reporting and player comparison on your smartphone
- Integrated chat functionality keeps team staff and players connected and organized
Cloud Solution for Organizations
Video / Data sharing platform
Share your work with the team
- SportContract offers a closed and secure sharing system for organizations
- Clubs can share videos, files, documents and messages with their staff
- Create and share videos to get feedback from the staff and players
- Share your video playlists with comments
- In-club sharing saves time, increases team productivity and improves task management
SportContract Data API
Reliable sports data flow
Easy to integrate
- Data API accessible for your data analysts
- Easy to integrate with your in-house system
- Schedules, lineups, results, standings, play by play stats and historical data
- Technical support and customizations to get you connected
Video Tagging Service
Let the professionals do it for you
Efficiency at its finest
- Upon your request, SportContract provides basic to advanced stats tagging service for Pro and Youth leagues and teams at a competitive price.
About Us
SportContract Official Partner of Federations, Leagues and Clubs
Next Generation All-in-One Video Analytics & Scouting Solution
Authentic and rooted in hockey, SportContract keeps inventing and developing new ways to improve professional sports analytics and scouting, built on top of the latest technologies. We are becoming one of the most versatile hockey analytics & scouting systems in the world.
By providing modules that reflect real-life organizational departments combined with a highly intuitive system, we support our partners in building their teams’ success with a competitive advantage.
Streamlined companies retain dedicated and highly motivated teams that develop software with creative ideas and passion for hockey. SportContract is a lean company that does not employ sales or marketing teams to expand the business because we have full confidence in the quality of our services and support. We invest in first-class developers, data analysts, taggers, QA staff and high-end infrastructure to create superior IT Solutions and Services. SportContract enables team managers, staff, players, scouts and agents to gain valuable insight and more time to focus on advancing the game.
We demonstrate our dedication and loyalty with fast releases of new features and continuous development of tools and modules – in close collaboration with our partner clubs. SportContract is your team’s external department, working hand in hand with your staff – a long-term partner to your club.
SportContract provides a transparent, reliable, and fair pricing structure.
We thank the federations, leagues, clubs, scouting organizations and agencies for using our system and supporting us in our efforts to make a difference in hockey.
Premium Partners

SHL / HockeyAllsvenskan / HockeyEttan / Division 2 / Division 3

Liiga / Mestis




ICEHL / Alps

Extraliga / Chance Liga - Czechia

Extraliga / 1. Liga - Slovakia


EliteHockey / 1.divisjon / Norway2 / Norway3

Polska Hokej Liga

Optibet Hokeja Liga

Division 1.

France2 / France3








Youth Partnerships

SDHL (W) / Division 1 (W) / HockeyAllsvenskan (W)



U19 AAA (W)


Federations / Leagues / National Teams / Players’ Associations

Media / Broadcasting

Youth / Junior
We collaborate with hundreds of Youth and Junior teams in Sweden, Finland, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the USA, Canada, and other countries.
These teams are intentionally not listed in our partner section. For more information, please contact us.
Data / Infrastructure Partners

We work with Federations, Leagues, and Clubs worldwide towards creating a centralized game video pool for analytics, player development and scouting. This pool will be available to all pro and youth clubs, national teams, staff, players, and scouts.
Our mission is to provide an authentic and all-inclusive system embedded and evolving with hockey. With next-generation software, tools, analytics, and close partner collaborations, we bring success for our teams and the industry.
If you want to know more, do not hesitate to reach out to us at

High quality and time-efficient video tagging is a complex task for human beings and machines. Totally automated AI-powered video tracking technology using computer vision and machine learning is the holy grail for sports analytics and scouting in the future.
By supporting our video tagging team with increasing optical tracking / machine learning integration, we get a better understanding of the technology, the content and context of hockey.
Although fully automated AI has not yet reached the level needed in sports analytics, SportContract acknowledges the importance and works on the integration of optical tracking and machine learning as the technologies that will advance data analytics to the utmost accuracy in the future. Our products offer insights that help teams make smarter decisions.
Contact SportContract
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